Grey Knights Official FAQ review

Evening I'm sure you're all aware of the Grey Knights FAQ that Games Workshop have released alongside a core rulebook FAQ now this is just a quick post to go through what this means for the children of the sigilite in these dark times...

So as far as I can see the majority of the rulings in the Grey Knights FAQ are pretty much common sense which come from reading the codex...however there have been a surprises and for a few of you some down right upsetting pieces of news.

So starting with a little bit of good news we now have the definition of what exactly constitutes a Daemon and it's  not limited to just models in the Daemon codex.
Another little gem coming our way comes courtesy of the core rulebook FAQ where Games Workshop have lovingly given us the ability to stack our Hammerhand ability, while I think this is unfortunate choice of words on their part they are extremely unlikely to back peddle on their own ruling for the foreseeable future at least...

Ok now for the not so good news...
So the Nemesis Force Falchions +1 or +2 attack argument has been laid to rest unsurprisingly with the ruling being +1 attack...luckily all you readers here at Titan magnetised your models didn't you?
Also a slight surprise was that the Nemesis Dreadknight with it's 2 Nemesis Doomfists (which count as Dreadnought Close Combat weapons) are only strength 6...suppose they have to give us a reason to invest in the Daemonhammer though so hey lets just go with it...

Finally a little clearing up for all us wound allocators out there, when making dangerous terrain tests we have to roll for each model individually.

So there we have the Grey Knights officially FAQ' I'm sure a few of you were thinking this was going to be a very painful affair for us but I'm sure that we can all agree that we are still a force to be reckoned with as no major changes were made that shouldn't have really been expected...still I'm sure like me if it moves in 40k you guys are just going to shoot it lots and if that fails poke it with shiny psychic sticks...

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